Ride to the Singing Road in Lancaster
and Lunch at Fox field

May 3, 2009

On Sunday May 3rd, Randy and Patty on their Suzuki scooter and Bev on her Yami and I on the Nomad headed out to Lancaster to ride the "singing highway"!

The ride out we took the 126 then to Lake Hughes Road, swinging by the Harley Rock Inn, we did not stop and ended up in Lancaster. The singing highway is on 30th st west and avenue G. You ride along at 55 mph and the grooves in the fast lane are made so you hear The William Tell Overture" (AKA the theme from "The Lone Ranger").  It was pretty amazing, we had to do two runs at it.

We then headed over to Fox field and had a nice lunch at the dinner there "Foxy's".

The wind was crazy strong out there, but once we got onto Soledad the canyons blocked the wind and we headed the long way home. It was about a 170 mile day. Lots of fun!!