The 2024 Tri-Valley League Season
The Rockets
Fantasy League Baseball, also known as Rotisserie League Baseball, began over 35 years ago in a small restaurant in New York. Since then it has grown to become a business. And for many of us, a way of life. From April through October, those of us that play the best game invented since baseball, become owners of our very own baseball teams. Drafting players, paying salaries, living through their glory days and dying when they are 'day to day'.
For the past 34 seasons, along with 7 of my (sometimes) closest friends, we have been playing this game. In the spring of 1988, Karl Fischer, who was then my boss, and I sat down and reviewed the bible of Rotisserie Baseball. THE HANDBOOK. Written by Glen Wagoner and his group, Karl and I began to design "The Tri-Valley League". And since money was involved, we needed someone who we trusted.... and someone who we knew where he lived and that was not going to be involved with the operation of a team. Karl and I approached Bruce Weber to oversee the day to day operations of the league.
After holding that position for many years, Bruce gave us a ultimatum. So wedecided to recruit the 'new guy' (he joined the league in 2001) into the easy roll of Commissioner.
For the history of the Tri-Valley League, visit the history page!
Since that first season, the Tri-Valley League has undergone many changes. But the core teams that started the league remain. The Kingfish owned by Karl Fisher, the Rockets my team, and the Diamond Dogs- Richard Jenning’s team. We have been joined by the Dman, Chris Dreiling; Max’s Misfits, Bruce Weber , and The Michigan Marauders, the owner is Todd Harhay, David Walit owner of the ParrotHeads. In 2022 One of our founding owners, Karl Fischer passed away. He is deply missed. HIs team was then taken over by a friend of his, Jeff Greow, who renamed the team, Karl's Kaballos.
We NOW have the official Tri-Valley League Rules available for download right HERE!